Week 42: LifeStraw, your personal waterfilter

Disclaimer: the rights of the pictures belong to the owner of the picture. Do you want your pictures removed from our blogpost, let us know. What is Lifestraw? LifeStraw® water filters convert contaminated water into clean, safe drinking water. The easy-to-use filters...

Week 40: Wolk, the invisible hip airbag

Disclaimer: the rights of the pictures belong to the owner of the picture. Do you want your pictures removed from our blogpost, let us know. What is the Wolk hip Airbag? Wolk has been developed with and for seniors who have noticed that they are losing their balance...

Week 38: Sushidel, the new night snack

What is Sushidel? Everybody knows Sushi. But only the Dutch know Frikadel, often written as Frikandel as well. Frikadel is a traditional Dutch snack, a sort of minced-meat hot dog, of which the modern version was developed either in 1954 or in 1958/1959. The history...